Entries by admin

A look behind the curtain of Blade Runner 2049

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=225&v=BBsjZgu7T2U&feature=emb_logo” /] Roger Deakins and crew give a behind the scenes look at one of the most incredible sets. The amount of work and imagination to create such an epic world with such meticulous detail. The crew gave homage to the original film without distorting away from the look and style of everything created […]

Adobe Behind the Scenes look at Terminator Dark Fate

In the world of movie franchises, Terminator is at the top of the list. For viewers that have been following the franchise, whether it was for one movie or all of them, just seeing the previews for Terminator: Dark Fate got them reminiscing and excited about seeing it in theatres. With big shoes to fill, […]

How and why to use a polarizing filter

Ever wonder what a polarizing filter was for or have used one, but had no clue what it was really doing. I didn’t really understand a polarizing filter or how many functions it really had. Short video gives you a few different uses for one. [youtube id=”yoHDsqK6-Dk”]

Research hyperlapse sending love to Paris

[vimeo id=”66009998″] Researching some hyperlapse techniques and landed on this pretty video of Paris. Here is a good tutorial I found to make some quick and easy hyperlapse videos without too much equipment and super non intrusive approach. All of this is for an up coming project where I need to create some fast movements around […]

Applying the theories of classical art to photography

[youtube id=”zwk3YFknyNA”] In my free time I love attending galleries of all sorts and observing the different styles that various artists have created. We also through a pop up art auction locally to celebrate local artists and there innovations. Every artist will give you incite in either what to do or not to do. Its a […]

Breakfast with Christopher Nolan

[youtube id=”jUpA7Qma_9E”] Christopher Nolan gives us a look into how he made his film Following. It is nice to hear that he came from working in commercials and interview videos which kind of paved the way for him into creating his feature every weekend piece by piece. Following is a mind bending movie with twists […]

Is This Art Photography Any Good?

[youtube id=”540JpC9IbEU”] Is This Art Photography Any Good? – Take it or Leave it with Bruce Gilden If you like someone critiquing other people’s work you will definitely like this. Bruce Gilden presents some great points and give lots of his own incites from over the years as a renowned street photographer. We watch and read […]