How graphic design worked before computers
[youtube id="O-XrRQf7BPM"]
It makes me stressed to see how much work it used to be in order to create a layout. So much has changed that even the client has a different perspective on what expectations are. They still did photo corrections…

How to light an interview
[vimeo id="117406354"]

9 Photo composition Tips from Steve McCurry
[youtube id="7ZVyNjKSr0M"]

How do you feel about the new Canon 5DS / 5DSR
[youtube id="UOQ9cIp9RqY"]
To be honest I was expecting much more from Canon, but it still looks like an interesting camera. Maybe they don't want to complete against their pro video line as there was no inclusion of 4k abilities or any other…

50 poses in 30 seconds
[youtube id="cfl5ZCUgQYM"]
Coco Rocha always blows me away. I absolutely love this women and the characters that she can create. Hope you enjoy the above video as much as I did.

Best editing sound track ever!
[youtube id="NrI-UBIB8Jk&list=PLpRjkOHBe_TgmznCle__jWDhoV4aFgCjw"]
If you have every been at a loss looking for the best music to fill your ears while taking on a daunting task. Look no further as this soundtrack will let your subconscious…

Why We Lie to Everyone
[youtube id="QxVZYiJKl1Y"]
Facebook is probably the most depressing place on earth if you look at it too much. Peoples lives are good, but sometimes we like to make it too good to be true. In this case fake it till you make it really doesn't…

Chef Tony Giesbrecht – Top Chef Canada
[vimeo id="87542779"]
A small bio on Chef Tony Giesbrecht during his time at Select Restaurant. We created the video for his entry to top chef Canada which he made it to the final selection round. Assistant was Mark Glass who is a magnificent…

Cinemagraph – Trail and Errors – 6 simple steps
Trying to understand Cinemagraphs in the beginning didn't make any sense at all at least from the terrible list of instructions online. Some of the tutorials are so poorly written that you completely confuse yourself or they are so long its…

Fuji x100s a little dream
X100s has been an amazing little package!
You can take it any where and no one will notice that you even have it on you. The shutter is so quite you almost miss the big mess of the giant shake of a full frame.
With so little to see and take…