Chef Tony Giesbrecht – Top Chef Canada

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A small bio on Chef Tony Giesbrecht during his time at Select Restaurant. We created the video for his entry to top chef Canada which he made it to the final selection round. Assistant was Mark Glass who is a magnificent human being for being able to shoot the behind the scenes and help with setup and adjustment of equipment also poking holes in anything that didn’t seem like it would function. This was a fun experience in create a short movie and seeing the ideas come to light. We used the light present in the kitchen which wasn’t terrible, but had its limitations even though in post we had to do a fair bit of color correction to get everything to look right.

4 replies
  1. Denese Boucher
    Denese Boucher says:

    Good luck and I hope you win I watch this show every week and now I know who I’m cheering for if you don’t remember me I’m Trave’s mother

  2. Brenda Ballard
    Brenda Ballard says:

    Wonderful! Congratulations Tony on making it this far, best wishes as you travel this journey knowing you have your community backing you to Canada’s Top Chief!


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